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Levee Improvement Projects

Annual appropriations and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 provided the necessary resources to address a significant portion of high-priority levee segments within the Upper Rio Grande, Presidio Valley, and Lower Rio Grande Flood Control Systems in need of rehabilitation or improvement. To view a PDF map depicting the status of USIBWC levee improvement projects, please click on the links provided below. PDFs may not display correctly in the browser window, please download PDF for best results.

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Each map contains a status table and depicts individual levee construction projects with labeled colored lines. To determine a project’s status, use the labels to locate it in the status table. The status of a project will be one of the following:

Conceptual Design A conceptual design has been proposed for the levee improvement project, but the project design has not been started.
In Design The levee improvement project is currently being designed.
Design Complete Design plans and specifications for the levee improvement project have been completed.
In Construction The levee improvement project is currently being constructed.
Construction Complete Construction of the levee improvement project has been substantially completed (performing the flood control requirements). The project may be pending some minor cleanup, demobilization, and the assembly of closeout documents.
Certification Submitted The USIBWC levee certification packet has been assembled and submitted to FEMA for their accreditation. Please note that the FEMA Accreditation Process may require additional information provided by local agencies.

Links for Local Agencies